インドネシア眼科への経営支援開始  Starting management support for ophthalmic hospital in Indonesia


「中央眼科グループ」は2024年4月1日より、インドネシアにある「チャクラ・フサダ病院(RS CAKRA HUSADA)」に対しての経営支援を開始しました。

“Chuo Eye Clinic group” started providing management support to “RS CAKRA HUSADA” located in Klaten City, Indonesia, from April 1, 2024.


インドネシアの眼科医療の現状 The current state of Ophthalmic Care in Indonesia.



While ophthalmological technology has advanced in urban areas of Indonesia, in regional cities, Medical technology at the same level as in Japan in the 1980s is still being used.
In particular, cataract is the leading cause of blindness in Indonesia, even though it is highly unlikely to lead to blindness if treated at the right time. . Therefore, we believe that “early detection of cataract” and “raising medical technology to the global standard” are extremely important.



「中央眼科グループ」の今回の取り組み The Efforts by the “Chuo Eye Clinic group” this time


インドネシアの首都ジャカルタから、交通機関で5時間ほど離れたエリアにある「チャクラ・フサダ病院(RS CAKRA HUSADA)」に対して、中央眼科で培った医療技術を提供する取り組みを開始しました。

「チャクラ・フサダ病院(RS CAKRA HUSADA)」では、もともと白内障手術を実施していたものの近隣病院との差別化が課題になっておりました。

Chuo Eye Clinic Group has launched an initiative to provide medical technology cultivated within their organization to RS CAKRA HUSADA Hospital, which is located about five hours away from Jakarta by car.

Although RS CAKRA HUSADA had originally been performing cataract surgeries, it had been facing the challenge of differentiating itself from neighboring hospitals.. Additionally, to aim for a comprehensive ophthalmology service, the hospital needed to “strengthen the technical level of cataract surgery,” “enhance patient awareness activities,” and “become a strategic partner to expand its treatment menu.


今回の取り組みでは、「中央眼科グループ」と「チャクラ・フサダ病院(RS CAKRA HUSADA)」が協力し、

  1. ①世界標準の眼科医療をインドネシアの地域住民の方へ提供すること
  2. ②ローカルコミュニティでのアイキャンプを通じて眼科検診の重要性を啓発していくこと


In this initiative, “Chuo Eye Clinic Group” and “RS CAKRA HUSADA Hospital” cooperate to promote the following two initiatives,

    1. 1.Provide world-class ophthalmology healthcare to local residents in Indonesia.
    2. 2.Raise awareness about the importance of eye examinations through eye camps in local community.

These efforts are aimed at improving eye care services and promoting eye health among the population.



○主な医療技術の提供内容 The main offerings of medical technology are as follows:


  1. (1)Phacoを用いた白内障手術
  2. (2)術後屈折精度の高い眼内レンズ度数計算
  3. (3)世界標準の眼内レンズを使用
  4. (4)世界基準のクリーンな環境での作業(オートクレーブ等の機械による滅菌)


  1. (1)Cataract surgery using Phaco
  2. (2)Intraocular lens power calculation with high postoperative refractive accuracy
  3. (3)Use of world-standard intraocular lenses
  4. (4)Work in a world-standard clean environment (sterilization by autoclave and other machines)



“Chuo Eye Clinic group” will continue its activities and technology offerings aimed at contributing to the improvement and advancement of ophthalmic medical technology, both domestically and internationally


チャクラ・フサダ病院(RS CAKRA HUSADA)


The Chakra Husada Hospital in Klaten City, Indonesia, was founded by Dr. Chakra Husada in 1989. Chakra Husada Hospital is a general hospital that provides high quality medical care to the community with 16 major services, including an emergency room, 39 specialist physicians, and 9 medical support services.